Monday, August 10, 2009

American Moment

One of the greatest moments that we are privileged to be a part of living in America is the "True American moment". In case you haven't figured it out yet, we are in the midst of one. I have to write this blog while the concepts are still fresh. If I don't get it out now, I'm sure that the constant bombardment of media coverage will sway me to one side or the other.

The moment that I want to take a little bit of your time for is the Obama medical reform plan. You have of course heard about it, seen it discussed at nausea on television, and no doubt heard a few individuals discuss the plan on talk radio. Now to be fair and honest, I haven't read through the entire plan. It is nine page document available for all to read (just google it). Which is probably the main reason I haven't finished it yet. If your going to live here in America than you have to be able to identify an "American moment" when you see one. Now I recognized this particular moment when I logged on to and saw three older white folks screaming and disrupting a town hall meeting, that we are officially in the midst of a "American moment".

Throughout history we have learned about "American moments" for example: The Civil Rights movements of the 60's, Woodstock, the Los Angeles Riots, and the actual election and inauguration of president Obama. One thing that is common for all "American moments" is that you have to have two forces working; one that is trying to enact change, and another that refuses to embrace it. You know, the people like Glenn Beck, or Newt Gingrich that have no reason true reason to disagree with the president, but they just want to stand in the way of progress because the have the resources to do so. One thing that is constant of ridiculous opinion is that once people realize that someone is listening to their foolishness, they will undoubtedly get louder and more offensive. Jay-z told you; "Don't argue with fools, cause those from a distance can't tell who is who"! If the new health care plan is passed tomorrow, you can best believe that Glenn Beck will not feel even the slightest hit to his pocket. Dude already has the platinum health care. Hell, Steven Colbert has a genetically engineered ear. What health care package is that under? He really could give a damn less, but he knows that this will make him a whole lot of money if he disagrees with anything that comes out Obama's mouth. People are always gonna hate. Individuals in a sense choose to be enemies. If you have a point and I have different point then our opinions will differ. That doesn't mean that no matter what other points you come up with they will all be incorrect as well. It is more like WWE wrestling than anyone actually trying to progress a cause. It hurts that we actually give one red cent to any of these bums (all politicians that use these tactics). If you aren't working towards progress, then you are just wasting time. Far be it from me to hate on anyone getting their money(Glenn Beck, Bill O'Riley, Newt Gingrich), but I just can't take the foolishness of wasting that kind of time and oxygen.

Now the other stable and necessary factor that has to be included in an "American Moment" is ignorance. Ahhhh! The sweet bliss of American ignorance. It can't be ignored, denied, duplicated or bottled up. Here is what CNN sounds like at the time of an "American Moment":

Ignorant American citizen: What's that? Lets have a town hall meeting to discuss and issue like civilized informed citizens? Hah! I have no need for the facts, only the need to direct my anger at someone. I think I should go to Wal-Mart and get some cardboard cut outs to make a sign that expresses my displeasure. Yes, Arts and Crafts will truly show the president how pissed I am! I think I'll add a little more glittery sprinkles to that four letter word.

Hey, I know it is "cheesy", but that is the way I hear it when it comes out of the television, radio, or jumps of the pages of one of these websites. The fact of the matter is that the president has a job to do and the name of the game is progress for America. If you don't agree with his policies or methods than you are absolutely right to stand up for what you believe in. That is your right as an American citizen. At the end of the day that is what our military is fighting for (I think...) The only thing anyone can ask of you is to do it like you have some sense. If you are above the age of five years old and you interrupt a town hall meeting or any public forum (besides the Apollo) with cheers, boo's, jeers, hisses, ridiculous signs, or out-burst, you should be taken out to the alley and clubbed repeatedly til you lose consciousness then put into a holding cell and force to write sentences (Hey it works for my kids...well not the clubbing part).

As I get older, and especially with the election of president Obama I have begun to feel like an actual American citizen. Not as much of a second class citizen anymore, but a real American. I know now, that looking to these type of demonstrations is not the way to learn how to express your displeasure with the president. Please don't mistake my rationale for a type of blind support for the president. I only try to write objectively. I'm not pro-democrat, I'm just on the side of any person that can make a point and effect change with a little common sense, intelligence, and dignity.

How do you avoid an American moment? In short....Impossible. For as long as we occupy this great country we will continue to have these types of moments. It is the way some people are raised. I admit that these type of moments are necessary to "keep you on your stuff". They are in the end as American as apple pie. People feel important when they have a chance to defect, or tell you how much they don't agree with the current regime. Stopping someone from acting like an ass at a town hall meeting, on television, or any other medium is impossible. It is like the impending car wreck that you can't take you eyes off. The fact is that "American moments" will always be here, you just better make sure that you pay close attention when they go down, because anytime people get mad they show there true feelings and colors and it behooves us all to pay attention.

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